
Friday, October 30, 2009

Public Service Announcements!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog posting for these announcements!

We're moving into National Novel Writing Month, and I'm sorry to say this may result in a cut back on my posting habits on this blog. We'll see how things go once the month gets started, and I get a handle on the new book, but I'm planning right now to go with a Tuesday/Friday posting schedule for the month of November. If I happen to have more time, you'll see more of me here, but you can definitely count on me for twice-weekly posting on those days. I hope you will all still follow along with me!

For those of you interested, I'm happy to announce that I'm now a contributing writer for GeekaChicas! I don't have any posts up yet My first post went up today, and there will probably be some cross-posting going on between here and there, but I'm pretty excited to be asked to write for and with the other women who make that blog great! I hope you'll all check it out.

I also wanted to just make a quick comment about why I participate in National Novel Writing Month, since that's been kind of the hot topic around plenty of places. For me, NaNoWriMo is less about putting out 50,000 words in 30 days than it is about establishing and reinforcing a daily writing habit. Daily writing has been the number one most important and most productive practice I've found in developing myself as a writer, and I am a firm believer that exercising the writing muscle daily is incredibly important.

Writing is like a puppy, it can be hyperactive and uncontrollable at first--fits and starts, inspiration and writer's block--but with the discipline of daily writing, you can really make it much more manageable to handle when you want to take it out for a walk! Like a puppy, the part of your brain that wants to write needs discipline in order to be a happy and healthy part of your family. NaNoWriMo celebrates daily word goals and daily writing, and I can't imagine a more supportive group or event with which to reinforce my own writing habit!

You'll hear from me again on Tuesday! Hopefully with exciting and exultant National Novel Writing Month news of goals met and vanquished :)


  1. But you'll still be writing things that we can see. Hooray!

    Also, congrats again on the Geekchicas bit!

  2. Thanks! and yes! You'll be seeing plenty, I'm sure.


Comments are Love!

(Nota Bene: During #NAMEthatBUTT season, all comments are moderated and your guesses are hidden until after the butt is revealed!)