
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Outside my Box Blogontest

Tessa of Blurb has challenged us to write something outside our comfort zone for her blog contest, and for NaNo, I'm definitely doing that. For one, it's a book set in the early 1900s, which is definitely not my area of expertise. For two, it's psychological thriller/horror-esque, which is also, absolutely not something I do. Until now, I guess. So in honor of Tessa's Blogontest, allow me to offer you this excerpt, and then please do go read the contributions of the other participants!

This is probably my third attempt to draft this part of the book-- I'm not quiiiiiite sure it's made it to the level of horror/psychological thriller I'm looking for yet, but it's better by far than what it was. Evelyn is locked in a mental ward (placed there by her husband), questioning her sanity for a number of reasons, including a doctor who seems bent on torturing her, and the fact that she's seeing people who really should be dead.


Freaky enough?

P.S. I won't be posting on Friday, November 26th because I'm fairly certain most of my readership will be engaged elsewhere what with the Thanksgiving holiday, so have a great weekend, one and all!

P.P.S. due to family stuff, I will also be taking November 30th off from the blog. Sorry for the missed post. I should have something for you December 3rd.


  1. That was pretty intense, so if you're missing your mark, it can't be by much.

    So creepy, the doctor. I got a good sense of both characters, and the personal goal of the woman.

    Excellent entry Amalia.


  2. That was so much darker than I'm used to from you, but just as gripping as all your writing. Um, I think I need my blankie.

    Outstanding writing, I'll miss you until the third!!

  3. Creepy!!! Great feeling you've got going there! :)

    I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Holiday! <3

    ~Elizabeth :)

  4. Wonderful, of course--and creepy!

    I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

  5. *shivers*


    I think that you've found yourself a new box, my dear! Thank you for joining the contest, don't forget to check in on the 7th for the vote!


    ps. LOVE your #THORlove merchandise

  6. Wow, this was REALLY good...and extremely terrifying. o_o Great job!


  7. That was certainly different from you. Quite riveting and intense. You tapped into a basic fear we all have of doctors and upped it with making him inhuman literally really made the terror even more pronounced.

    A truly great entry. Glad you made it to the finalists. It wouldn't surprise me if you won. Roland

  8. Suuuuper creepy and disturbingly detailed. Excellent work. ;)

  9. Ooh I like this image: like a fish on the tile in a shivering heap

    Great piece of prose :O)

  10. Sorry I missed this when I went through and commented earlier! Yes, nice entry - very creepy.

    One tiny detail - it might just be me, but I spent most of the time not knowing if the "he" was the doctor or the "cousin". His examining her led to to believe doctor. His sadism made me think the cousin. Although since this is an excerpt, I'm sure the full makes it more clear (I, of course, don't know if Thorin/Doran is good or evil.)

    Good read and good luck!


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