
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Thor Art Interlude

Anyone who edits this into a Thor wearing a Santa-hat with wings for this Christmas gets SUPER AWESOME BONUS POINTS.

Anyway, this is Thor v3. Apparently he is the only thing I sketch anymore. Blame him, not me.

I am not the best artist in the world, but sometimes I just like to sketch. I don't do it in any disciplined way, and I will probably never improve because I don't put the time in and I don't make it a priority like writing, but I am excited that THIS Thor does not look like he is 12, like the last one did. 


  1. The last one did not look like he was twelve! But, yea, HOLY BUCKETS BATMAN this is cool. I love his swooshy hair and helmet.

    DANG. I want one.

  2. That piercing stare and lantern jaw...very manly indeed. Loved your sketch!

  3. Very cool! Square Jawed Horned-Helmeted Thor = fantastic!

  4. *jealous* I could draw you a Thor Stick Person. Heh heh...

  5. Mia: 14 then! and thanks :P The hair is not my favorite part on this one though.

    Raquel: Thanks! Yeah-- I am especially pleased that I did not totally suck at drawing the eyes and make them all smudgy from erasing.

    Tessa: I am pretty sure Thor ALWAYS equals fantastic :P

    Tina: you should see what el husband can do. he is INCREDIBLE and never uses it and it makes me SO MAD that he just lets his talent LANGUISH!

  6. Amazing sketch. Your last Thor didn't look twelve, but he was definitely more chiseled. This Thor looks fierce despite the mlild expression. The challenge is in his eyes, and the brawn speaks for itself. This *is* Thor.

  7. VR: I'm trying to figure out why I never sketch him smiling. It's hard to picture! But thank you! :)

  8. I like the look of this guy. There's something like "challenge" in his eyes. Definitely intriguing.

  9. Thanks Bethany! I usually have a terrible time with eyes. I don't think these are my best, but they're definitely not my worst by a long shot!

  10. Awesome sketch! You can definitely tell who it is wo being told. :)

  11. haha. Yes! Identifiably Thor! Thanks, Lilah!

  12. SO impressed that you can write AND draw. Multi=talented!

  13. ha! Thanks, Vicky. I am still hoping ONE day to be able to draw the characters I write, but I think it is a long long way in the future, if ever.

  14. I knew it would be great! This is so much more awesome than anything I do!! He's very fierce, and I agree with Mia-- I love the swooshy hair!

  15. Di: I actually edited it after I took this. Mostly his nose. I was not happy with his nose. And I still like the old image's hair better :P but Thank you! <3 <3

  16. This is pretty good! It is much better than I could do. And as long as you enjoy it, that's all that matters!

  17. Thanks Heather! It's a lot of fun, for sure!

  18. This post caused me to be unusually tempted to draw, which hasn't happened in about 10 years since I was in high school art class(Wow, it's been that long already?)

    So here is my tribute :)

  19. Awesome!! I'm glad that it inspired you to put pencil to paper! I can't believe you ever stopped-- I always admired your talent as an artist!

  20. Very cool! I love to sketch too and started painting recently. Art makes me very, very happy!

  21. I never really got into painting-- but I wish I had. I wish I had taken a lot more art classes than I did, in school. I'd love to see what you paint and draw, Stephanie!

  22. Both are really good!

    I wanted to be an artist when I was younger. I colored over scraps of paper and put up a little art show in my bedroom, and then had my parents "buy" some of my "artwork." I was so proud! I think I made like 70 cents.

    I definitely haven't improved since then, either. ;)

  23. Ha! Thanks Sarah! That sounds so cute. You must've been the cutest little kid in existence!

  24. Hahahaha! You are too kind. I had all sorts of schemes.


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