
Friday, March 08, 2013


So because this is crazytown USA over here and because I am guest posting all over creation, I thought it might be a good idea to do a Friday Wrap-Up of everywhere I've been, and reviews, and whatnot for this most AWESOME of months -- the Month in which Forged by Fate is available for sale! This way, if you missed something that sounds like it would have been interesting, you can catch up, and if you didn't miss anything and are at the end of your rope, you won't miss anything HERE, at the very least.

So to begin!


I will be the guest at #SciFiChat on Twitter, beginning at 3pm Eastern! Topic: Romantic Fantasy! Be there!!

Blog Tour Stops:
(full schedule can be found here!)

Notable Reviews of Awesome:

Don't forget to write your own review if you loved the book! 

Heads Up:

  • I'll be on FIREFLY WILLOWS *L*I*V*E* for their CONVERGENCE show, on Sunday, March 17th. Expect a little bit of Writer-Process talk, a little bit of Personal Growth talk, and a lot of #ThorLove. There will be a chat, too, in which I will hang out and answer questions/be generally available. I'll remind you again when we get closer, too!


  1. AND GOATS!!

    (Well, I figured it might intrigue a few people into finding out what I meant!)



Comments are Love!

(Nota Bene: During #NAMEthatBUTT season, all comments are moderated and your guesses are hidden until after the butt is revealed!)