
Friday, March 15, 2013

Forged by Fate IN THE WILDS (II)

Your Week TWO summary of Awesome Happenings!

First things First, your promised reminder:
  • I'll be on FIREFLY WILLOWS *L*I*V*E* for their CONVERGENCE show, on Sunday, March 17th. We'll be talking about the process of writing, as well as the process of finding your path in the universe, and a mish mash of other things, including but not limited to the #ThorLove. I'll be hanging out in the chat during the show if you want to log in and say hello or ask questions or tell me how much you loved my book. (I like to dream big.)
Now Onward!

Blog Tour Stops:

Notable Reviews of Awesome:
Don't forget to write your own review! Spread the word and share the love!

I think that's about it -- or if there's more, I can't remember it. Ha. Oh! Don't forget that if you buy Forged by Fate before April 15th, you can enter to win THE GRAND PRIZE drawing! (I knew there was something! Clicky the Link to learn more!)


Comments are Love!

(Nota Bene: During #NAMEthatBUTT season, all comments are moderated and your guesses are hidden until after the butt is revealed!)