
Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Last week's Butt came from Paul Manship again! The title of the bronze is The Flight of Europa!

Stage Two Rules:
  • I post a butt and TWO clues, you guess who that butt belongs to in the comments. If you guess right, you get 5 points. (No bonus for being first.)
  • Comments are moderated, which means they sit in my inbox quietly until I choose to publish them, so you won't see anyone else's guesses.
  • HOWEVER, if you CORRECTLY identify the artistic work in question, you earn a bonus 5 points. (Provided of course, that it differs from the subject's name alone and the artist is known at all)
  • The following Friday, I reveal the subject, along with the full backside image of the sculpture in question! If at this point you can correctly identify artist/title of the piece, you can earn an additional 2.5 points, and you may guess artist/title until the next round of NAME THAT BUTT begins.
  • I'll keep a running tally of correct answers/points, with occasional updates of who is "winning."
  • For Olympians, Greek AND Roman names are acceptable, because half of these sculptures were probably titled with their Roman names but in my head, they immediately translate to the Greek, and that's how I remember them when I'm organizing my photos.
  • The game will continue for as long as I have photographs of backsides to share, but a new NAME THAT BUTT may not be posted every week, depending on Things. 
This Week's BUTT is one of my absolute favorites:

Your Clues: 

1) Some say this butt was nursed by Hera.
2) When offered the choice between a life of peace and pleasure, or a life of fame, glory, and hardship; this backside chose the latter.

You've got until September 12th, 11:59pm Eastern to NAME THAT BUTT! And full bonus points, besides.  Make me proud, participants, and prove just how well you know your mythological butts!


  1. Is it Heracles, by any chance??

    And if so, because I may as well have a punt, is it the Hercules Farnese statue? There are various copies, and there's a bronze one at the Louvre, which this might be...


Comments are Love!

(Nota Bene: During #NAMEthatBUTT season, all comments are moderated and your guesses are hidden until after the butt is revealed!)