
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Character Art Reveal: Eve and Athena

Before I show you the pretties (and let me just tell you that Athena is absolutely gorgeous, and Eve is pretty awesome, too!) a couple of quick reminders:

Firstly: #ThorLove bloghop! Sign up! Tell your friends! Comics, fantasy novels, poems and stories from the Eddas, television and film, tell us about your favorite Thor!

Secondly: Street Team Sign Ups! If you signed up before October 25th, your bookmarks are in the mail! If you'd like bookmarks, there is still time to sign up, and there is definitely still time to put your name on the list for avatars and banners -- I'll be emailing those out in early November.

And now!!! THE ARTS!

From the fabulous El Husband:







They'll be appearing on the Fate Forgotten trading cards, which will be shipping out to winners of both the Street Team drawing and the #ThorLove bloghop! I'll also be dropping them around and about locally and (not-so-locally by proxy -- thanks family!)

Special thanks, as always, to El Husband for his fantastic art!


  1. Oooh! So beautiful! Your hubby is a talented artist!

    1. Thank you!! Yeah, he really is fantastic. And I think he just keeps getting better with every character!! :)

  2. Ooh, pretty!!!

    I particularly love the hair. That is PRETTY hair. :D (El Husband is a talented man!)

    1. I am very lucky to have his talent at my disposal, for sure!! I agree totally about the hair. It's spectacular! :D so glad you guys are the arts!!

  3. Beautiful. Congrats on bagging talented hubs!


Comments are Love!

(Nota Bene: During #NAMEthatBUTT season, all comments are moderated and your guesses are hidden until after the butt is revealed!)