
Tuesday, October 06, 2015

3rd Annual #NAMEthatBUTT: Round 1

Our First Butt of the Season has arrived!
But first --

  • Comments will be moderated.  You will NOT see your comment appear immediately after posting! 
  • I post a butt and clues, you guess who that butt belongs to in the comments. If you guess right, you get 5 points. 
  • There may be a bonus clue posted on Wednesdays over at -- when applicable they will be announced on Tuesday in the main post and instructions for how to bonus it up will be included in the bonus post!
  • If you CORRECTLY identify the artistic work (title/artist) in question, you earn a bonus 5 points total: 2.5 for title, 2.5 for artist. (Provided of course, that it differs from the subject's name alone and the artist is known at all)
  • The following Friday, I reveal the full backside image of the sculpture in question! If at this time you can correctly identify artist/title/subject of the piece, you can earn up to 3 points (total -- 1 point for artist, 1 point for title, 1 point for subject) 
  • You may guess artist/title/subject/book from which I've quoted until the next round of NAME THAT BUTT begins. (Usually the next Tuesday -- I'll reveal the previous week's sculpture and offer the next butt for guessing!)
  • I'll keep a running tally of correct answers/points.
  • For Olympians, Greek AND Roman names are acceptable for the subject guesses. For example, if the butt belongs to Mercury, I will also accept Hermes as a correct answer. Titles of works must be exact, however.
  • A new NAME THAT BUTT may NOT be posted every week, depending on Things, but it's my hope they will be. 
  • There will be Prizes at the finish. They will be shipped internationally. I haven't decided what they'll be yet, but for sure they will include #NAMEthatBUTT postcards/stickers.

Your Clues:

  1. A beauty of a butt, with a fondness for a particularly inscribed fruit!
  2. No man can resist the charms of this butt, but one lover of this backside is still often named when discussing a perfect specimen of male beauty. They made a lovely match, while it lasted!

And you'll get a bonus clue tomorrow at -- a quote from one of my books, related to the butt in question! Guess which book in the comments (of either blog) and get an extra 2 bonus points!

Forged by Fate (Fate of the Gods, #1) Tempting Fate (Fate of the Gods, #1.5) Fate Forgotten (Fate of the Gods, #2) Taming Fate (Fate of the Gods, #2.5) Beyond Fate (Fate of the Gods, #3)
Postcards from Asgard * Honor Among Orcs (Orc Saga, #1) Blood of the Queen (Orc Saga, #2) * Helen of Sparta
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  1. It's here!!! Yes! I'm going to slay this time around just you watch :D

  2. My comments do not appear to be moderated unless this is a magic robot who knows I'm not answering the question soooo I will withhold my answer for now! (although for once I actually have one!!)(I'm as surprised as you!)



    I think this butt belongs to Aphrodite.

    I may or may not be totally wrong but I am just so excited to be here and be playing #NAMEthatBUTT that I don't really mind if I'm wrong!

    Okay, love you loads! <3

  4. I'm going to hope this is the lovely Aphrodite?

    No idea on the work though.

    (VERY HAPPY THIS IS BACK, btw. <3 )

  5. Aphrodite! No idea on the artist/title, though knowing Aphrodite it's probably something about bathing. Or being nude. Or bathing nude. :P


Comments are Love!

(Nota Bene: During #NAMEthatBUTT season, all comments are moderated and your guesses are hidden until after the butt is revealed!)