
Friday, March 29, 2013

Forged by Fate IN THE WILDS! (IV)

Week FOUR! We're winding down now, but there are still some exciting things happening:

Firstly, The Giveaways!

But that's not all! 

And now I am diving back into the editing cave for the next Fate of the Gods installment! Don't forget to write a review for Forged by Fate if you enjoyed it!

The Blogtour in Review:

Interviews, Features, Guest Appearances

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sirens vs Mermaids

Because I've been thinking a lot about Homeric stuff lately, while I take this Coursera class on Ancient Greece (which of course started with the Bronze Age!) and, tweeting a lot about it, I just wanted to cover this briefly here. What it comes down to is this (totally my pet peeve, not going to lie):


And just to make it as absolutely clear as possible, allow me to include some illustrations!

In Classical Mythology, a Siren looks like this:

Greek - Black-figure Kylix with Sirens - Walters 4837 - Detail B

Or, maybe, like this (winged bird-ladies, my friends. WINGED.):


And this is what a Mermaid looks like:

So, as you can see, Sirens and Mermaids are two very, very different things. Possibly even OPPOSITE things, because what is the opposite of a fish, if not a bird?

And now you know (assuming you didn't already! -- I'm guessing a lot of you already did, but whatever! consider this a PSA.)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Forged by Fate: In the Wilds! (III)

Thanks to everyone who tuned in to my segment on Firefly Willows L*I*V*E Convergence show! If you missed it, and you want to give it a listen, you can still check out the archived show!

Week THREE in Summary!

Blog Tour Stops: 
  • March 16: Interview at, where I answer the question: what is your obsession with goats? and talk a tiny, teasing bit about book two, A Fate Forgotten!
  • March 19: Interview at Mia Hayson's blog, where I answer the question: What makes Eve’s character so interesting? Among others!
  • March 20: Being a Son of Odin, Guest Post at World Weaver Press
  • March 21: Interview at Rebecca Roland's blog! (Author of Shards of History!)

Notable Reviews of Awesome!
And don't forget to write your own review-- and not just for my book! If there's a novel you love, be sure to post a review! It's never too late, and it's never too small. 

And as always: Don't forget that if you buy Forged by Fate before April 15th, you can enter to win THE GRAND PRIZE drawing! The link has all the information you need!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

More Forged by Fate Theme Music

It seems like I listened to a lot of Lisa Loeb when I was working through this book. I distinctly remember listening to this one on the bus on my way to class, thinking about Eve and Thor and Adam. Eve would never ask this, never WANT this of anyone, but it very much captures the lengths to which Thor is willing to go -- the lengths to which he does go, in fact, for her.

Would You Wander

(and if you missed it, more theme songs at my guest post on Charity Bradford's blog!)

In other news, I'm diving into the revision-cave on a novella that does NOT have an historical setting (shocking, I know!) so at least I can possibly hopefully not lose so much time to research. And never fear that I must revisit The Fleas. 

Don't forget to check out the blogtour, if you've missed it! Lots of fun information about Forged by Fate, and even a couple of interviews discussing things I don't usually talk about here. And if you bought the book, find out how you can enter to win THE GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Forged by Fate IN THE WILDS (II)

Your Week TWO summary of Awesome Happenings!

First things First, your promised reminder:
  • I'll be on FIREFLY WILLOWS *L*I*V*E* for their CONVERGENCE show, on Sunday, March 17th. We'll be talking about the process of writing, as well as the process of finding your path in the universe, and a mish mash of other things, including but not limited to the #ThorLove. I'll be hanging out in the chat during the show if you want to log in and say hello or ask questions or tell me how much you loved my book. (I like to dream big.)
Now Onward!

Blog Tour Stops:

Notable Reviews of Awesome:
Don't forget to write your own review! Spread the word and share the love!

I think that's about it -- or if there's more, I can't remember it. Ha. Oh! Don't forget that if you buy Forged by Fate before April 15th, you can enter to win THE GRAND PRIZE drawing! (I knew there was something! Clicky the Link to learn more!)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How I Got My Agent: The story you've all been waiting for!

This year has been good to me, so far. Amazingly good. And I do not forget that I am already living my dreams -- that I was living them from the moment el husband threw his unconditional support behind me as a writer, who just writes, and we moved back to upstate New York, and out of our apartment into this house, wherein the potential for goats is just a fence and a small barn away from reality. That the moment I signed with World Weaver Press, the unreachable had become reachable, and here I am, after all this time, a published author.

But I was still hoping for something more -- one more goal post to make this MY YEAR, the way I had been saying every year would be my year for the last three. 

I was still hoping for The Agent.

So I threw myself into the trenches again, determined to give it my all, because after all, Helen and Theseus deserved at least that much, if not more than I could give. I sent out queries in larger batches than ever before. THIS YEAR was going to be MY YEAR. The Universe, I could tell already, was sympathetic to my cause. Partial and full requests starting coming in more frequently than ever before. I wasn't sure what I was doing right -- but whatever it was, things were starting to get exciting.

One Agent told me while it wasn't what he was looking to represent, as a reader, it sounded great, and he was looking forward to seeing it on shelves. Another agent told me she thought my manuscript was wonderful, but she'd just signed another author with too similar a voice. Again and again, I received personal responses and encouraging feedback. 

The strangest response was the one in which the agent I had queried told me, that while my manuscript wasn't quite his thing, he had an agent friend at another agency who would probably be interested -- and he had shared my query with her. 

Needless to say, I followed up. But this wasn't something I was prepared for! I'd heard of the mythical referral before, of course. But in my head, it was always a parting shot with a name. Maybe, if I were lucky, I'd be forwarded on to someone else within the same agency, but this? 

The agent I was referred to requested my full manuscript, and of course I sent it! Immediately I began to do research. I knew the agency had a great reputation, but this particular agent hadn't been on my list. The hallmarks I had looked for when deciding who I should submit to weren't there. The likelihood is, I never would have thought to query this agent on my own, and while she sounded WONDERFUL, I didn't want to get my hopes up. In my head, I kind of wrote it off -- because you just can't do anything otherwise and survive the query wars. 

I kept querying. I even got a few MORE requests.

But just shy of 3 weeks later, I got an email that stopped me in my tracks. The agent to whom I had been referred had read my full manuscript, and she wanted to chat. 

On the phone.

I think I could not actually speak in real words for ten minutes. I could not form any kind of coherent sentence in response, even in writing! This was the moment I had been waiting for! Well, I hoped so, anyway. I mean, the agent did not say she was making an offer, but, I argued with myself, why else would she want to CALL?

Eventually, I pulled myself together and sent an email back, trying to play it cool. (I limited myself to only one exclamation point! ONE AND ONLY ONE!) We scheduled a time. I couldn't believe it was happening even after everything was set to go. But I knew I had to prepare. I made a list of questions, wrote up small summaries of my other projects just in case, did some more research and agonized. I really, honestly, was not sure which direction things were going to go. 

But two days later, when Michelle Brower called, once we started talking, I knew! This was a person I could really work with, who wanted to help get me on the path I wanted to walk, and who was willing to work with me and embrace a few deviations along the way. This was a person who I could be comfortable approaching if I had any concerns or questions. And indeed, she patiently listened to the many, MANY questions I had prepared, and answered a few I didn't know I cared about! 

Unfortunately (fortunately?) I had pages out with a few other agents still, and I knew I shouldn't necessarily say yes right away. I had to give the other agents a shot to read, respond, and offer -- but the waiting, it was an agony. The agents I had emailed to withdraw my submission responded immediately with kind words and best wishes, but the agents who still had my work... 

It was the longest wait of my life, because by day two, I was already 99% sure that Michelle was my best match. Every contact with her confirmed those feelings, and so did my further research.

On Wednesday, February 20th, one week after The Call, I accepted her offer of representation, and on February 27th I was thrilled to officially sign with Folio! Historical Fiction publishing land, here we come!

For the NUMBERS, check back HERE tomorrow!

(And don't forget that if you bought Forged by Fate, you can still enter to win the GRAND PRIZE -- the deets are over at the blogparty blogpost!)

Friday, March 08, 2013


So because this is crazytown USA over here and because I am guest posting all over creation, I thought it might be a good idea to do a Friday Wrap-Up of everywhere I've been, and reviews, and whatnot for this most AWESOME of months -- the Month in which Forged by Fate is available for sale! This way, if you missed something that sounds like it would have been interesting, you can catch up, and if you didn't miss anything and are at the end of your rope, you won't miss anything HERE, at the very least.

So to begin!


I will be the guest at #SciFiChat on Twitter, beginning at 3pm Eastern! Topic: Romantic Fantasy! Be there!!

Blog Tour Stops:
(full schedule can be found here!)

Notable Reviews of Awesome:

Don't forget to write your own review if you loved the book! 

Heads Up:

  • I'll be on FIREFLY WILLOWS *L*I*V*E* for their CONVERGENCE show, on Sunday, March 17th. Expect a little bit of Writer-Process talk, a little bit of Personal Growth talk, and a lot of #ThorLove. There will be a chat, too, in which I will hang out and answer questions/be generally available. I'll remind you again when we get closer, too!

Monday, March 04, 2013

The EVE of Forged by Fate! And a Giveaway!

(See what I did there? Eve of Forged by Fate? because Eve is the protagonist? ha! ahem. right. to the post!)

Tomorrow, Forged by Fate will be released in paperback and ebook form. It's my debut, and I am UNBELIEVABLY excited about it, and because ultimately it will be the people who buy the book who decide whether it sinks or swims, I want to give a little something back to those of you who are giving me the benefit of the doubt with your hard-earned dollars! All of that to say:

I am hosting a fabulous kick-off party book birthday giveaway!

So, here is the deal! This whole first week of Forged by Fate's release, THIS BLOGPOST is party central. Cake and Ice Cream and Champagne and pigs in blankets and fine cheeses and sturdy crackers and salsa and dip and chips, fine Italian pastries and PARTY FAVORS* abound! 

Come and leave a comment (with your email address) before Saturday, March 9 at 10pm Eastern, and you'll be entered to win one of our fabulous doorprizes, including stickers (in your choice of #ThorLove or #AdamLove), autographed and personalized bookplates (just say to whom!), and bookmarks!

No purchase necessary, just show up and comment and be part of the celebration -- MOST prizes will be awarded at random. And if we're having a party and a mythology chat breaks out, HIGHEST OF FIVES, my friends! Anyone responsible for that discussion is definitely getting some door-prize action.


If you feel so inclined to buy my book between now and April 15th (please do, because seriously, I would like be able to afford a dog some day AND GOATS! consider your purchase a contribution to the goat fund!!! and, you know, my life in general...), email me your proof of purchase (a screencap of the order confirmation page/email or photo of the receipt is totally fine!) at amaliatdillin(at)gmail(dot)com, with "FxF GRAND PRIZE" in the subject line, and you will be entered to win the most fabulous of prizes -- a Forged by Fate t-shirt! Plus a set of stickers, bookplates, bookmarks, and (I am hoping hoping hoping I can get them printed in time for this second part of the giveaway), trading cards, of course.**

Want more chances to win THE GRAND PRIZE? Send along proof that you've spread the word about Forged by Fate with your proof of purchase -- if you write a review and send me the link that's +5 entries. If you posted about the book and the giveaway on your blog and send me the link, +3 entries! If you tweeted about it to all your friends or posted about it on facebook, send me that link, for +1 entry!

***Also, I forgot to say: The Grand Prize is OPEN internationally! The door prizes are going to be limited to just a maximum of TWO international awards, so international peoples, you will get your own pool (please make a note of your outside-of-the-USA/Canada-ness when you comment!) -- which probably means you all have pretty rockin' odds.***

The grand prize winner will also be chosen in a random drawing, and the winner will have one week to reply to my email with their shipping address and preferred t-shirt size and claim their prize. If they do not respond within that week, I'll draw another name and that person will have a week to do the same. For the doorprizes, I'll email the email you left in the comments, and you get a week to respond -- I may or may not choose alternate winners in the case of non-responders.

It is possible, depending on the number of people who enter the grand prize drawing giveaway, that there will be more than one grand prize, or perhaps a couple of secondary prizes -- we'll just have to see! So tell your friends because the more the merrier and the better chance of winning something!! 

*Okay, so I am only giving away party favors and not any of the food stuffs but I am totally eating at least one chocolate cannoli on March 5th to celebrate. YUM. Also, fine print style, I reserve the right to alter the deal of this giveaway spectacular -- you may pray I do not alter it any further! 

**Thor has gotten awfully stingy with the Asgardian Gold, so I'm sorry I cannot offer a fancier prize but I hope you will think this is AWESOME anyway because T-Shirt!!!!