Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Some Teaser Content

If you're interested, and even if you're not, I've released an original letter from Helen to her brother Pollux, unearthed after all these millennia from my brain, over at GeekaChicas!

These letters will be published periodically in honor of National Novel Writing Month and my Work-In-Progress about Helen's story and the Trojan War. I'll give you guys a post here to let you know when they go up. The next letter will be Pollux's response to Helen's plea.

Yes, I'm absolutely aware that letter writing is, technically speaking, not necessarily historically accurate for the time. (That was a lot of adverbs.) But if Ovid can do it, I figure in the interest of artistic license, fudging things a bit can't hurt.


  1. I've always loved the tale of Helen and Paris, in almost all its incarnations.

    And letter writing isn't really twisting history much- I say go for it! Sometimes we history fans have to bend the rules little bit, right?

  2. As a fan of Helen and Paris, I hope you'll enjoy what I'm doing! :)

    I don't really feel too bad about the letters-- I think they're a great device for character exploration, and while no one will be sitting down to write in my book, I think it's fun to imagine the letters being passed back and forth behind the scenes. Plus, it's kind of awesome to be putting together a series/serial for somebody else!

    I hope you'll check them out!


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