Well, this past week was totally ridiculous and in light of the upset, I made an executive decision to give you all another week -- I'll reveal both Round 2 and Round 3 TOGETHER at the end of this week. It's fitting really, and I should have planned it from the start, so my bad for the confusion, but DON'T FORGET to go #NAMEthatBUTT from Round 2 in ADDITION to this week's backside!!!
So. Rules:
- I post a butt and clues, you guess who that butt belongs to in the comments. If you guess right, you get 5 points. A New Butt will go up on each Tuesday, and I'll do the reveals on Friday. You only get ONE image from which to Name That Butt!
- If you CORRECTLY identify the artistic work (title/artist) in question, you earn a additional 5 points total: 2.5 for title, 2.5 for artist. (Provided of course, that it differs from the subject's name alone and the artist is known at all) There will be NO second opportunity to guess for fewer points.*
- There may or may not be bonus points up for grabs in addition on Wednesdays over at blog.amaliacarosella.com depending on the butt! When applicable they will be announced on Tuesday in the main post and instructions for how to bonus it up will be included in the bonus post!
- You'll have the whole #NameThatButt season to claim those bonus points when they're offered!!! So feel free to guess on the bonus offerings until the FINAL butt has been revealed.
- You may ONLY submit your guess as a blog comment on this blog (or the appropriate post on blog.amaliacarosella.com for bonus points**) -- I will not accept guesses via any other method!
- As always, comments will be MODERATED, so don't worry that your comment doesn't appear at the bottom of the post -- it isn't supposed to. (If you're afraid it didn't go through, feel free to check in with me via twitter or facebook and I will confirm that your guess arrived in my inbox.)
- As always, #NameThatButt is open INTERNATIONALLY! This year's prizes include a 10 pack of Santa Herc Butt holiday cards (suitable for the winter holiday of your choice) and a pack of Tamer of Horses playing cards (standard 52+Jokers deck.) Plus other authorly swag.
*For Olympians, Greek AND Roman names are acceptable for the subject guesses. For example, if the butt belongs to Mercury, I will also accept Hermes as a correct answer. Titles of works must be exact, however.
**You may opt to guess both the butt and the bonus in one comment, and that's fine. But you must name that butt during the regulation week, BEFORE the reveal on Friday, or I cannot count it, for obvious reasons.
- According to Honer's Odyssey, when this butt seduced a particular lover, "a huge blue wave arched itself like a mountain over them to hide both woman and [Butt], whereon [butt] loosed her virgin girdle and laid her in a deep slumber." (That's right, I cited, because you all seem like you could use a little extra love this week.)
- This butt is actually referenced as far back as the Linear B tablets! And with surprising frequency within those records, too!
- This butt ALSO moons over a certain staircase -- which if you are able to name, is still worth an additional 5 points -- though you can only cash in on those bonus points the once :)
Go ahead! #NAMEthatBUTT! And if you want to include your Round 2 guess in the same comment below, that's fine with me!
AND. I'll have a bonus #NAMEthatBOOK next door at blog.amaliacarosella.com on Wednesday -- so be sure to pop over there and check THOSE out, too!

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round 2 was - Statue of Mars by Jacopo Sansovino, Scala dei Giganti, Giants’ Staircase, Courtyard of the Doge's Palace, Venice
ReplyDeleteround 3 is... Statue of Neptune (also Sansovino, same location)
*squeaks* Yay! If my guess last week was right, this is the Neptune that also guards the Giants' Staircase!
ReplyDeleteArtist is Sansovino again. ;)
Lovely blog