I'm happy to report that the backmatter of HONOR AMONG ORCS's paperback is now updated and live, so if you were holding off for that, it's ready for your purchase! Enjoy!
I've been on kind of a short story formatting spree, to get some content going for my Patreon patrons (Thank you, Patrons!!!) and I've released Frost Bitten, Twice Shy for your reading pleasure! It's just 99 cents right now but it'll go up to 1.99 before the end of August. It's also available in WIDE release so if you're not a kindle reader, I've got you!
Available NOW to Patreon Patrons is another short story, Refuge, which will remain Patreon exclusive for likely the foreseeable forever--but the good news there is that for just $1 a month, you can read it as a blogpost, along with Frost Bitten, Twice Shy, AND my take on Samson and Delilah, Favor of God, which I just released for Patreon Patrons as well! Not going to lie, I am kind of in love with all three of these short stories and have been for a really long time, so I'm excited to be able to share them finally.
(If you bump that 1 dollar a month up to 5 dollars a month, you'll get all three as epub/mobi files, right now, too--for a limited time! Favor of God will go kindle exclusive after August 15th!)
Coming in August for Patreon 5 dollar Patrons (ThorsBFFs) first: ENDURING FATE, a NEW Fate of the Gods novella which tackles Eve's life in the ward during the early 20th century. It should be read as book 2.75 in the series AFTER Fate Forgotten! Patrons also got to see the cover art first, but today is the day I'm revealing it to the rest of the world! Are you ready?
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Kindle Pre-Order! |
For everyone else, Enduring Fate will release in September! Huzzah! [Kindle Pre-Order Go!] It's going Amazon Exclusive for the near future, so if you want the epub, Patreon is really your best bet in the shorter term. And during the first two weeks of August, if you Patron in for 5 dollars, you're basically getting two free short stories for the price of Enduring and Favor if you were going to buy them on Amazon later! So. It's not a bad deal!
(No hard feelings if you sign up as a 5 dollar patron on August 1 and cancel or drop to a 1 dollar level before the end of the month, either! I feel you.)
But listen:
Enduring Fate is a tough read. It was a tough WRITE for that matter--which is why even though I wrote a goodly portion of it in 2010 it languished on my hard drive for the last 9 years. TW: This novella contains miscarriages, verbal and physical abuse, suicidal ideation, self-harm, discussion of abortion, the grossness of eugenics generally and forced sterilization specifically.
Please read with care and consideration for your own mental health. I think it's important because so few people understand our own history of Eugenics in America, and how our love affair with it directly influenced the atrocities of WWII, and it was definitely an important story for me personally, for other reasons in addition. But. It may not be the best read for all of you, and I don't want to do any of you any harm in sharing it.
I'm holding off on the paperback edition of this novella for the moment because I am over 40K deep in another Fate of the Gods was-supposed-to-be-a-novella-also contemporary prequel to Forged by Fate, exploring how Eve and Garrit actually met and got together, and I'm leaning toward packaging them together as a paperback edition instead of doing two smaller volumes. If there is an outcry from readers demanding a paperback of Enduring Fate alone, I'll be happy to change my mind, so do let me know if your feelings on this subject are strong!
I think that about covers it for the time being! Still no newsletter because I still don't have a PO Box (Author Amalia is extremely broke) but I'll continue to keep you updated via the blog, Patreon, Twitter, and Facebook, so check back often!

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