YOUR CHALLENGE, if you choose to accept this throwing down of the gauntlet, is to engage in one of two activities to the glory of Thor in all his states of undress:
1) Find or make a fabulous sandwich, take a picture of said fabulous sandwich (and I am talking Dagwood levels of awesome, the taller the better), and leave me a link to this photography in the comments. (Then feel free to eat said sandwich. In fact, photos with a bite already taken out of the sandwich can sometimes be artistically interesting! Bonus points if you happen to include some kind of Thor anything in the picture! But not bonus entries, because I do not mess around with that nonsense.)
2) Write a short story (1000 words or less) which involves a sandwich, or sandwiching. Your character could be out to lunch, and the sandwich might be spilled in their laps, causing an uproar or a meeting of the eyes! Or maybe your characters are making sandwiches and fighting over who gets the last piece of lemon-pepper chicken! (Guys, Lemon-Pepper Chicken is AMAZING.) I do not care, really, what the situation is, as long as a sandwich is present in a crucial way. Maybe Thor is experiencing the excellence that is Jimmy Johns for the first time. Whatever! Write it, post it on your blog or in the comments, make sure I get the link!
I will totally post a master list of all links with your blog stories/sandwich photography on my blog after all entries are in.
You have ONE WEEK from today. All entries must be linked in the comments by May 8, 9pm eastern. I will choose one winner from each category (or, if there is only one category of entries, two winners from that category) and also draw one entry at random. This means you may enter once in each category (but you will only win once). The winners' names will be posted on this blog the following Tuesday, and if you send me your address within one week of the names being posted (USA only, sorry!) I will send you some AVENGERS/THOR trading cards, including at least ONE Thor card. If you want to include a preference (half-naked, Thor-in-the-mud, Any-Thor-will-do, forget-Thor-I-want-Loki/Odin/Hogun/NewHulkDude/Cap/AgentCoulson/NickFury etc) when you send in your address, I will do my best to accommodate, first come first serve.
Make Thor proud, friends and followers! But more importantly, have fun!
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(Nota Bene: During #NAMEthatBUTT season, all comments are moderated and your guesses are hidden until after the butt is revealed!)