A SEA OF SORROW is ready for pre-orders pretty much everywhere online (Amazon, B&N, Kobo, and iBooks!) as well as for adding on Goodreads if that is more your speed -- and I hope you'll klikk klikk whatever link means you'll remember to grab your copy upon release! It'll be available in print AND ebook -- and you can even pre-order it in print on amazon, so if that is your preference, by all means, go forth!
(I'm staring at the lined up book covers in the footer of this blogpost while I write this and dang! 14 titles. How did that happen? I don't even know how to wrap my head around it. It just doesn't seem real.)
I've also got a sale this month for you! HELEN OF SPARTA and DAUGHTER OF A THOUSAND YEARS are just 1.99 each on kindle for the month of September, so make sure to take advantage if you haven't!
Anyway, I wanted to just give you an update on authors!me for those of you not subscribed to the newsletter -- which really, I promise, if you want the most up to date info on new releases and sales, that is the place to be!
I know you're all waiting for Orc 3, and I'm working on an Orc Saga short story to hopefully get out to you this winter (again, a newsletter advantage, because it'll be free for subscribers, and that's the easiest way for me to deliver it to you all directly!) And then I'll be diving in to the real meat and potatoes that I know you're all eager to read, hopefully with the enthusiasm and gusto that the conclusion of this series (and you as readers) deserves!
Again, I'm so grateful for your patience and understanding as I recovered from the epic burn out of 3 years of non-stop contract deadlines for twelve releases and no real downtime to rest my creative brain. (I think the one month I actually was supposed to have off I ended up overseeing a household construction project -- which is not at all restful, I promise you.) But it's been a rough year for more reasons than just the burn out (curse you, back-issues!), and I can't tell you how much I needed the time.
Orc 3 is likely going to be one of the last self-pub titles you see from me for a little while, for a number of reasons both personal and professional. (One of which includes a fabulous car accident just before my trip to HNS Portland which totaled our car and necessitated an unexpected investment in a new one. I cannot make this stuff up, friends. Five o'clock in the morning, rammed in the rear end by a cabbie who was literally asleep at the wheel. Going at least 35 mph, no less. And of course we missed our flight. Because naturally. Like I said -- it's been a difficult year.) But that doesn't mean I won't be writing! I'm just going to not kill myself doing it for a little while longer and focus on the traditional side of things for a bit!
So I think that's about everything for the moment. Make sure you hit up the sales, or pre-order, or add on goodreads, and finally, do subscribe to The Amaliad so you don't miss out on future fun, excitement, sales, releases, and/or sneak peeks!
And have a Baldur-cat, too, before you go :)

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