You've got about a day left to grab HONOR AMONG ORCS for just 99 cents!
and the rest of the month to get HELEN OF SPARTA for just 1.99!
(Yes! I broke down and made e-reader mock-ups for a few books and a new promo image for Helen! Huzzah!)

It's too short to do a print edition but I finally bit the bullet and made it some cover art and formatted it as cleanly as I could manage for easier reading than just the pdf edition that newsletter subscribers get for free. Even better, it's available in wide release, so--
iBooks, Nook, and Kobo readers: Rejoice!!
But of course you can also grab your copy from Amazon for Kindle, too! Just 1.99 across all platforms.
And now I need to go crawl back into the writing cave and catch myself back up--3.5K so far this month is not going to be getting any jobs done. But after last month's 37K blow-out, I think I deserved the short birthday break!!
If you want more regular updates than the occasional "whoops I haven't blogged in a while have I?" be sure you're subscribed to The Amaliad and you'll get the latest and greatest delivered directly to your inbox.

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