I'm really, really looking forward to sending this off and having a little bit of time away from this period and these characters. Much as I love them, it's time for a break! I'm considering putting some casual words into a contemporary romance idea that I didn't at all plan for when I planned my writing for the year. We'll see! I've been writing non-stop for four months now, between Hippodamia and this new book, so I've definitely earned some non-writing days -- which I'll need while we pack up the whole house for some (big) renovation work that's being done this month.
Word-wise, New Book hit 110K, which ended up being about 99,500 after I trimmed all the extra words off the bottom of the document! It means I've got some room to expand things as needed, and I can't be unhappy about that, because I ALWAYS need to add more description as I revise.
Busy Busy Busy!

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