So the most exciting news for all of you, I'm sure, is that I'm making some real progress in Orc3 at lasst!!!! I know you've all been eager for it, and while it still is likely only about half-done (assuming it is a normal book length book and not something monstrous), I'm really excited to have some momentum again.
Patreon Patrons have gotten some sneak peeks of the multiple rounds of prologues I've written and some teasers from the earliest chapters, and if you follow me on twitter, I've been dropping snippets here and there as I decant this beast from the interior of my brain.
But I also have some OTHER fun news, too, for this series--and it comes in the shape of a Hardcover Edition for HONOR AMONG ORCS, with a brand new cover design and a beautiful new interior, all designed by myself--I taught myself Affinity Publisher just so I could insert these fun chapter header daggers, in fact! The FULL PRICE for this hardcover will be $24.95 USD, but through May 20th, it will be on sale for just $20.95! So take advantage of this special release sale while you can!
But HONOR AMONG ORCS isn't the only book getting a new cover design--I'll be updating BLOOD OF THE QUEEN soon, and THE QUEEN AND HER BROOK HORSE's new look is live now in paperback and for kindle. I thought it was only polite to give you a glimpse of them all together now that HONOR is out in the wild:
Those of you who prefer matching sets on your shelf, don't worry! Book Three, THROUGH BLOOD AND STARLIGHT, will still get a paperback release with the original matching artwork by Melissa Stevens--but I'm not revealing anything until I've got the first draft done. (Let's just not jinx anything in the meantime, yeah?)
I'm still working on the new interior layout for BLOOD, but I'm hoping to get the new edition proofed, finalized, and out into the world sometime in late June or July!
Friends, I have been sitting on these covers for so so long, terrified about their reception--so I hope you love them as much as I do! If the response is good, I'll update the kindle editions soon too.
While I've got you here--don't forget that SON OF ZEUS releases on May 20th! Go get your pre-order on if you haven't, and/or grab the paperback, which is already out in the wild!
I've got a fun interview on May 19th with Abigail on her Kingdom of Thirst podcast, talking about Pirithous and Thalia and all the drama that comes with poking at the same book for a FULL DECADE now, so mark your calendars for that, too!
Son of Zeus links:
⚡Pre-order on:
Nook, Kobo, Apple Books, etc:
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And you can still read the first two chapters on Patreon for free, too--
I think that about covers it for this installment! Shout in the comments if you like the new art or you're stoked about Pirithous or whatever! I miss you!
OH. Also. My AMALIAD newsletter is back up and running AT LAST. So look for that in your inboxes again too! Or subscribe if you haven't yet and I'll try to keep you all up to date more properly going forward!

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