Want to know more? Here's some back of the book blurbage for your reading pleasure:
Ordinarily, Gwen likes goats, even makes her living by milking them, but these two are some kind of devil-spawn, and one of them is pawing the ground, horns aimed at her gut. The fact that they were followed by a blonde farmhand with a much too charming smile isn't all that much of an improvement, either.But Thjalfi makes himself useful. He's lean and smart, with a warmth in his pale blue eyes that makes her shiver, and she can't deny that he has a way with her horses. He seems to have a way with her, too.There's just one problem: Thjalfi's a slave, a bondservant to the god of thunder, Thor, and no matter how far they fall in love, he can't stay.But this so-called god who owns him? He's about to learn just how far a Midwestern girl will go to free the boy she loves.
So basically, if you need a #ThorLove fix for your post-Fate of the Gods hangover, grab Postcards from Asgard for some lighter fare to ease the transition to Thor-free fiction, and I hope that Thjalfi becomes your favorite Icelandic teacher, in the meantime, too! (He's definitely mine!) But you don't have to take my word for it:
"In Postcards, Ms. Dillin takes an old myth and turns it into a beautiful contemporary love story. Gwen was strong and stubborn -- her reaction [...] was authentic, believable, and all together hysterical."
-- S.T. Bende, Author of the Elsker Saga
And with this post, I officially declare the blog on HOLIDAY HIATUS! With the possible exception of Santa Theseus's arrival, with some news after Thanksgiving. Don't want to jump on the Santa bandwagon too soon, after all!
See you in January blogfriends! And a Happy Holiday of every shape and style to you and yours in the meanwhile!

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