Everyone's favorite:
Neptune with a Hippocamp!
Michel Anguier
(Seriously you guys who guessed Loki from the clues -- my mind was blown. Because holy crap they have more in common than I ever put together until now! Thanks for teaching me something!)
As you know, this was our final butt of the season -- and I, too, am sorry to see the end of this year's #NameThatButt bonanza, but never fear! Next year we'll be back with more mythological butts for your guessing pleasure! And in the meantime, we have some WINNERS!!!
(winners of some fabulous #NamethatButt postcards for your mailing pleasure)
- Amata
- Henna
- Melissa
email me your mailing addresses at amaliatdillin(at)gmail(dot)com by November 27th to claim your postcards!
(winner of EITHER an autographed copy of a Fate of the Gods book/a paper ARC of Postcards from Asgard, OR 2nd Annual #NAMEthatBUTT CHAMPION t-shirt. We will discuss butts and books, etc. PERHAPS A BUTT COLLAGE might even be in order. And also postcards. of course.)
- *** Faithlessone/Emily! ***
email me at the above address by November 27th to claim your prize!
Thank you so much to everyone who played -- and I hope to see you again next year for #NAMEthatBUTT, the 3rd edition!
I'll be back posting on the blog this Thursday and then it's HOLIDAY HIATUS time! Which, since I've once again forgotten to run a santa-hats-on-sculpture competition... might result in the return of Santa Theseus to the blog, for the duration.

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(Nota Bene: During #NAMEthatBUTT season, all comments are moderated and your guesses are hidden until after the butt is revealed!)